MDaemon Technologies Blog

How to set up a custom queue and schedule in MDaemon

By Brad Wyro

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It is possible to create any number of schedules you wish. You can name each schedule and attach a schedule to a custom mail queue. You can also create as many custom mail queues as you want. Use the Content Filter to move messages into your custom queues based on any criteria you wish.


For example, you can create a schedule called 'Large Messages', create a queue to store those messages, and then create a Content Filter rule using the 'MOVE message to custom QUEUE' action to move messages over a certain size into that queue. If you'd like mailing list messages delivered at certain times then create a schedule called (for example) 'List Mail', create a queue, and then use a Content Filter rule to move messages with an X-MDMailing-List header into the new queue.


1. Select Queues | Mail Queues / DSN.

Mail Queues / DSN Menu


2. Select "Custom Queues" in the left hand navigation menu.
Custom Queues


3. Enter the name of the new queue in the "New queue name or folder path" field.

New Queue Name New Queue Name


4. Select whether the queue is for local or remote mail.

Local or Remote Mail Local or Remote Mail


5. Click on "Add."
Click on Add


6. Open the Security menu and click on "Content Filter."
Security Menu


7. Click on "New Rule."
New Content Filter Rule


8. Create your new Content Filter rule.

The steps here will vary based on what criteria you'd like to use (some examples include Message is larger than XX, X-MDaemon-Deliver-To header contains, Message has .zip attachment). For actions, be sure "... Move to custom queue" is one of them and when prompted, select your new queue.


9. Click "OK."


10. Click "OK."


11. Navigate to Setup | Event Scheduling.


12. Select Mail Schedule Options in the left-hand navigation menu.

Mail Schedule Options Mail Schedule Options


13. Click on "New."


14. Type in a name for the new custom schedule.
Custom Schedule Name


15. Click "OK."


16. Configure the options for your custom queue as desired.

Use these settings to deliver queued mail at regular intervals, or to deliver queued mail certain events have taken place, such as when a specified amount of time has elapsed or after a certain number of messages are queued.
Custom Queue Settings


17. Click on your new schedule in the left-hand navigation menu.


18. Configure times when the queue will be processed and other options as desired, then click "Add."


19. Click "OK."


And that's it! You can get pretty creative with custom mail queues and scheduling.


Tags: Email How To, Email Security Trends

Brad Wyro

Written by Brad Wyro

Brad has worked in technical and marketing roles at MDaemon Technologies, where he contributes as Content Marketing Manager. Brad balances technical and creative information to develop easy to understand videos and content to educate prospects and customers.


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