MDaemon Technologies Blog

Protect Accounts from Hackers: 9 Tips for Stronger Passwords

By Brad Wyro posted in Cybersecurity, Email Security Best Practices, Email Best Practices, Passwords


Passwords have been the primary mechanism for online security for years, but many people continue to use poor habits when creating passwords, and this trend appears to be getting worse as the average online user has to keep track of up to 100 accounts.

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Top 9 Email Security Tips to Protect Against Spam, Phishing & Malware

By Brad Wyro posted in Anti-Relay, Attachments, Bayesian Learning, Content Filter, Data Leak Prevention, Email Authentication, DNS-BL, Email How To, Email Security, Macros, Cybersecurity, MDaemon Email Server, Security Gateway for Email, Spear Phishing, Email Spoofing, Anti-Virus, Backscatter, Phishing, Email Best Practices, Passwords


As cyber threats evolve, we face growing email security challenges. Hackers and cyber criminals relentlessly continue to attack businesses as users continue to fall for email scams. That’s why we must continue to be aware of the best practices for securing our email.

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How can Businesses Improve Email Security with Strong Passwords?

By Brad Wyro posted in Email Security, Passwords


Did you know that over 80 percent of company data breaches are caused by poor passwords?

According to a recent study:

  • Over 555 million passwords have been stolen by hackers in the last 5 years
  • 44% of users reuse their passwords across personal and business-related accounts
  • 31% of users have used their child’s name or birthday for their passwords

One of the biggest challenges for businesses is getting their users to use strong, unique passwords that are hard to guess, and this is made worse by the fact that users tend to reuse passwords across multiple accounts, making them an easier target for cybercriminals.

Tip: Click here to learn how to prevent MDaemon users from using passwords that have been found in a data breach

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