As cyber threats evolve, we face growing email security challenges. Hackers and cyber criminals relentlessly continue to attack businesses as users continue to fall for email scams. That’s why we must continue to be aware of the best practices for securing our email.
Top 9 Email Security Tips to Protect Against Spam, Phishing & Malware
By Brad Wyro posted in Anti-Relay, Attachments, Bayesian Learning, Content Filter, Data Leak Prevention, Email Authentication, DNS-BL, Email How To, Email Security, Macros, Cybersecurity, MDaemon Email Server, Security Gateway for Email, Spear Phishing, Email Spoofing, Anti-Virus, Backscatter, Phishing, Email Best Practices, Passwords
How MSPs Can Have Greater Control Over Secure Email Gateways
By Kevin Beatty posted in Cloud, Data Leak Prevention, Email Security, Cybersecurity, Anti-Spoofing, Security Gateway for Email, Stop Spam Email, Anti-Virus, Email Server, External Email Threats, internal email threat, msp
How to Select the Right Email Security Solution for Your MSP's Customers
By Kevin Beatty posted in Email How To, Email Security, Anti-Spoofing, Quarantine, Security Gateway for Email, Stop Spam Email, Anti-Virus, msp
Threat actors are continuing their assault on businesses, individuals, and Managed Service Providers (MSPs) this year, and email is still the top vector. As your clients turn to you for secure services, you need to make sure you have the right email security solution in place to protect your customers.
Beating the Odds
In July of 2022, MDaemon Technologies (formerly Alt-N Technologies) celebrated a unique milestone for a software company: 25 years in business.
You are probably familiar with the statistics: the average lifespan of an American company is 11.5 years. For startup companies, less than 10% remain after ten years ( So how does a small software company in Texas defy the odds and compete against some of the largest companies in the email and security industry to build a loyal customer base that spans 140 countries? I know it sounds like a cliché, but listening to customers and providing an affordable, reliable product backed by great customer support have been the ingredients to our success.
Why You Can’t Rely on Users to Keep Email Secure
By Brad Wyro posted in Email Authentication, Email Security, Anti-Spoofing, Security Gateway for Email, Stop Spam Email, Anti-Virus, insider threats
For hackers, it’s a numbers game. Three billion phishing emails are sent every day, but all they need is for one of them to find a willing victim and do damage to your network.
If you leave email security up to users, you’re in a world of trouble.
Beyond Hackers: Identify and Mitigate Insider Threats to Your Data
By Brad Wyro posted in Data Leak Prevention, Email Security, Cybersecurity, Anti-Spoofing, Security Gateway for Email, Spear Phishing, Email Spoofing, Phishing, insider threats
Jean Patrice Delia was an engineer at GE when he decided to steal company data and use trade secrets, pricing information, marketing data, and other documents and funnel them to his business partner to compete against GE. After an FBI investigation, Delia was arrested and sentenced to two years in prison and ordered to pay $1.4 million in restitution. His business partner, Miguel Sernas, spent nearly a year in jail and was also ordered to pay $1.4 million.
How to Encrypt Email Messages in SecurityGateway™ for Email
By Brad Wyro posted in Email How To, Email Security, Email Encryption, Security Gateway for Email
The pandemic has ushered in a paradigm shift in how businesses communicate with their customers. As organizations in healthcare, finance, and other highly regulated industries rely more heavily on email communication, their employees continue to send sensitive data such as medical and financial information through email. This makes email privacy more important than ever, and there are several ways to implement it, but with varying levels of complexity.
Users Love SecurityGateway™ for Email Servers in G2's Winter Reports
By Kevin Beatty posted in Data Leak Prevention, Email Security, Cybersecurity, Anti-Spoofing, Security Gateway for Email, Anti-Virus
G2 just released their Winter 2022 badges, and SecurityGateway™ for Email Servers continues to rank at the top of the Secure Email Gateway Software category.
MDaemon Technologies Helps Specialty Retailer “Fix It and Forget It”
By Brad Wyro posted in Email Security, Security Gateway for Email, Email Security Trends
As a small business, what do you do when the big players in a mission-critical industry such as email don’t meet your business’ needs? You find a cost-effective, easy-to-use solution with great customer service – the kind developed by an industry expert. That’s how MDaemon Technologies came to be the email security provider for one specialty retailer in Texas.
Best Practices for Securing Work Devices from Any Remote Location
By Brad Wyro posted in Data Leak Prevention, Email Encryption, MDaemon Email Server, Security Gateway for Email, Email Server, Two-Factor Authentication, Email Best Practices
As we all know, unprecedented numbers of employees are working from home during this pandemic year. In fact, one recent survey by SaaS marketing agency Bay Leaf Digital found that 65 percent of newly WFH employees are now using company devices from home – and 42 percent are experiencing unstable access including issues with connecting to remote desktops, poor VPN, etc.