MDaemon Technologies Blog

Deploying DMARC to Adhere to Google's Strengthened Email Authentication Requirements

By Brad Wyro posted in Email Authentication, Anti-Spoofing


In the past, businesses have often used more relaxed standards for marketing via email. However, GMail has recently begun to enforce stricter authentication requirements for emails sent to Google users. As a result industry leaders have begun using a more targeted, personalized approach to email communication with prospective customers.

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Top 9 Email Security Tips to Protect Against Spam, Phishing & Malware

By Brad Wyro posted in Anti-Relay, Attachments, Bayesian Learning, Content Filter, Data Leak Prevention, Email Authentication, DNS-BL, Email How To, Email Security, Macros, Cybersecurity, MDaemon Email Server, Security Gateway for Email, Spear Phishing, Email Spoofing, Anti-Virus, Backscatter, Phishing, Email Best Practices, Passwords


As cyber threats evolve, we face growing email security challenges. Hackers and cyber criminals relentlessly continue to attack businesses as users continue to fall for email scams. That’s why we must continue to be aware of the best practices for securing our email.

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Why You Can’t Rely on Users to Keep Email Secure

By Brad Wyro posted in Email Authentication, Email Security, Anti-Spoofing, Security Gateway for Email, Stop Spam Email, Anti-Virus, insider threats


For hackers, it’s a numbers game. Three billion phishing emails are sent every day, but all they need is for one of them to find a willing victim and do damage to your network. 

If you leave email security up to users, you’re in a world of trouble.

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Protect Brand & Customers from Spear Phishing Using DKIM, SPF & DMARC

By Brad Wyro posted in Email Authentication, Email How To, Email Management, Spear Phishing

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