This week, we released version 19 of the MDaemon Email Server, with new features that benefit administrators and end users. The following is a summary of key improvements for email security and productivity. You can view the complete list of new features and updates in the MDaemon release notes.
New MDaemon Email Server Features for Administrators
One of the first things administrators will notice is that the behavior of the "Start MDaemon" Start menu shortcut has changed. When clicked, you'll now be taken to MDaemon Remote Administration via your browser. If you'd like to launch the MDaemon Email Server console directly, you can use the "Open MDaemon Configuration Session" shortcut, as shown here:
Enhanced Integration with Third-Party Plugins
MDaemon’s XML-API has been expanded to include additional capabilities. Folders and their contents can be created, deleted, renamed, and moved using the API. Developers can use these expanded features to display or manipulate the content of user mailboxes.
“External Message” Warning
A new "External Sender" Content Filter condition has been added, along with a new “Add a warning to the top of the message” action. This allows MDaemon administrators to create a rule that will add a custom warning to the top of all email messages originating from external sources - providing extra protection against phishing attempts by alerting users to treat these messages with extra care.

Support for Separate SSL Certificates for Each Host/Domain
MDaemon supports TLS Server Name Indication (SNI). This allows domains and host names to have their own assigned SSL/TLS certificate, rather than having to share a single certificate.
New Authentication Failure & Frozen Account Reports
MDaemon’s Dynamic Screening feature includes the option to send authentication failure and frozen account reports to end users. When a given number of authentication failures has been reached, or when an account has been frozen, the user is notified so that corrective action can be taken.

New MDaemon Email Server Features for End Users
MDaemon Webmail - "All Unread" and "All Flagged" Saved Searches
When logging in for the first time, MDaemon Webmail users will receive a prompt asking if they would like to create an “All Unread” and “All Flagged” saved search for convenient, one-click access to unread or important email messages.
MDaemon Webmail - Expired Session Indicator
MDaemon Webmail will display (EXPIRED) on the browser tab when a user’s session has expired. This allows users who have multiple browser tabs open to be notified when they have been logged out of MDaemon Webmail without having to switch tabs.
MDaemon Webmail Expired Session Notification
Other MDaemon Email Server Improvements Include:
- Autodiscover support has been expanded to accommodate a wider variety of connecting email clients (including eM Client, Thunderbird, Outlook, and others). The service can also now be configured to pass a custom host name to the connecting client on a per-service basis (for example: administrators can configure ActiveSync to connect to and IMAP to connect to, etc.).
- The option "Only send antivirus update notification on failure" is now enabled by default, and when updating to MDaemon 19, it will be enabled the first time MDaemon starts up.
- MDaemon Remote Administration New Features:
- Added license management options to the Registration page.
- Added AntiVirus Updater and Scheduler dialog
- Added queue counts, process message counts, other process counts, session statistics, and more process states to the Status page.
- The MDaemon AntiVirus configuration screen has been updated. Both antivirus engines (Cyren and ClamAV) can now be configured from a single screen.
- When ActiveSync is disabled for a domain, administrators will receive a pop-up asking if they would like to revoke ActiveSync access for users of the selected domain. This makes it easier to revoke access and reduces the usage of ActiveSync licenses.
- The STARTTLS White List now takes precedence over the STARTTLS Required List and the "SMTP server requires STARTTLS on MSA port" option.
- New options have been added to Security | Spam Filter | Spam Honeypots and Security | Security Settings | Screening | SMTP Screen to enable/disable the Dynamic Screening notification when an IP is blocked.
These are the main highlights. For a complete list of new features & enhancements in the latest MDaemon Email Server, please see the MDaemon release notes. If you're not currently using MDaemon and would like to learn more about how MDaemon can save your company time and money, click here to download your free trial!