Earlier this week, I heard an interesting interview on NPR’s Morning Edition with a recent victim of Business Email Compromise (BEC), a growing threat that uses social engineering to exploit human nature in order to divert massive amounts of money to cybercriminals.
Business Email Compromise Discussed on NPR’s Morning Edition
By Brad Wyro posted in Business Email Compromise, Email Security, Cybersecurity, Spear Phishing, Phishing, Email Security Best Practices
Security Gateway 6.5 - Improved Attachment Handling & Database Support
By Brad Wyro posted in Product Updates, Security Gateway for Email
If you're in charge of managing your company's email, whether you're running an in-house Exchange server or Office 365, you've certainly become all too familiar with the latest threats posed by cybercriminals - threats that go far beyond the old-school Nigerian Prince email scam that has become the brunt of jokes over the past couple of decades. So if protecting your employees from email-borne scams is important to you & your business, a secure email gateway to protect against phishing, malware, data leaks and other threats would be a sound investment.
Recent Business Email Compromise Scams - Reminder to Educate Users
By Brad Wyro posted in Business Email Compromise, Email Security, Spear Phishing, Email Spoofing, Phishing
Online scams are nothing new. But as email has evolved and improved, so have scammers and the messages they send. Nefarious emails, attachments and links now appear sophisticated and look legitimate, sometimes tricking even the most meticulous user.
Staying informed of the latest data privacy regulations can be a challenging endeavor, with a plethora of different security and retention requirements based on industry. And as these laws and regulations continue to evolve, businesses will need to evolve as well to keep up.
Announcing MDaemon 19.5 – With Redesigned Mobile Webmail & More!
By Brad Wyro posted in MDaemon Email Server, Product Updates, Email Server
The news is out. There’s a new version of MDaemon Email Server, with new features and improvements to benefit both administrators and end-users alike!
Office 365 Vulnerabilities Every Business Should Consider
By Brad Wyro posted in Industry Insight, Two-Factor Authentication, Email Best Practices
While many businesses are moving their email from on-premises to the cloud, many that have already made the switch have discovered that cloud hosted email has its share of drawbacks to go along with the benefits these businesses had originally sought.
Phishing Email Uses Google Drive to Get Past Microsoft Security
By Brad Wyro posted in Business Email Compromise, Email Security, Stop Spam Email, Spear Phishing, Phishing
This week, Threatpost reported on a new spear-phishing attack that uses email sent via Google Drive claiming to be the CEO of the targeted company sharing important information with the recipients. The email came from Google Drive, but the sender address didn't match the company's standard naming convention for email addresses.
Security Gateway’s Archiving and Cloud-Based Email Integration Update!
By Brad Wyro posted in Email Security, Product Updates, Email Archiving
When it comes to email archiving, businesses require features that go beyond simple message replication in order to meet expanding regulations. And because every email solution, whether it’s on-premises or in the cloud, needs strong anti-spam/anti-malware filtering, it makes sense to combine archiving and security into a single product. To address the growing demand for a combined email security/archiving solution, archiving was added to Security Gateway for Email Servers in version 6.0.
MDaemon Email Server and Security Gateway Rank High in G2 Crowd's Summer Reports
By Brad Wyro posted in Industry Insight
MDaemon Email Server and Security Gateway customers have made it clear – MDaemon Technologies delivers safe, secure email solutions that fit their unique business needs at a great price.
eM Client - an email client that works with MDaemon Email Server!
By Brad Wyro posted in Email How To, MDaemon Email Server, Product Updates, Email Server
If you’re like me, you want an email client that’s easy to set up, easy to use, and easy on the eyes, and if it works well with MDaemon, then that’s a huge plus!