You may recall that in MDaemon 23.5, we added calendar publishing and appointment booking for MDaemon Webmail users (you can read about it here). But did you know there's an easy way to facilitate appointment booking using your email signature?
Brad Wyro
Recent Posts
MDaemon Pro Tip: Appointment Booking using Custom Email Signatures
By Brad Wyro posted in Email How To, MDaemon Email Server, Collaboration, MDaemon Webmail
MDaemon Tech Tip: How to Hide the MDaemon Webmail Documents Folder
By Brad Wyro posted in Email How To, MDaemon Email Server, Tutorial, MDaemon Webmail
MDaemon Email Server is used by businesses in a variety of industries, including finance, manufacturing, education and healthcare, and each industry has different needs when it comes to email and collaboration. That's why we strive to make MDaemon highly customizable. One such feature is the ability to hide the Documents folder in MDaemon Webmail.
Introducing SecurityGateway 10.5 - with New Security & Administration Features
By Brad Wyro posted in Product Updates, Security Gateway for Email, Update, SecurityGateway
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MDaemon 24.5 has been released - with Microsoft OneDrive integration, feature search & much more!
By Brad Wyro posted in MDaemon Email Server, Product Updates
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Introducing Temporary Document Links for MDaemon Webmail
By Brad Wyro posted in Collaboration, MDaemon Webmail
MDaemon users have more ways to collaborate. In MDaemon 24, we added document links to MDaemon Webmail. With document links, users can share links to files contained within their Documents folder. These links automatically expire after 30 days. Users can also replace existing links, or revoke them at any time.
Watch out for election season phishing and social engineering attacks
By Brad Wyro posted in Email Security, Phishing, Email Security Best Practices, Email Best Practices
The 2024 presidential election is well under way in the United States, and that means cybercriminals are exploiting heightened public interest and uncertainty to launch targeted attacks using phishing and social engineering tactics. Here’s how they typically do it:
Deploying DMARC to Adhere to Google's Strengthened Email Authentication Requirements
By Brad Wyro posted in Email Authentication, Anti-Spoofing
In the past, businesses have often used more relaxed standards for marketing via email. However, GMail has recently begun to enforce stricter authentication requirements for emails sent to Google users. As a result industry leaders have begun using a more targeted, personalized approach to email communication with prospective customers.
New Security & Administration Features for MDaemon Email Server
By Brad Wyro posted in MDaemon Email Server, Product Updates
With every new version of MDaemon, we've added new security and administration features to facilitate better collaboration and to protect businesses from the latest email-borne threats.
We're excited to announce the release of SecurityGateway 10, with some exciting new features and enhancements. Read on to learn more!
Businesses concerned about the shortfalls of DMARC with forwarded messages and mailing lists will benefit from new email authentication features added to MDaemon Email Server version 24. Discover how ARC (Authenticated Received Chain) enhances email security and solves authentication issues.