Protect Brand & Customers from Spear Phishing Using DKIM, SPF & DMARC
By Brad Wyro posted in Email Authentication, Email How To, Email Management, Spear Phishing
SSL & TLS Best Practices
By Brad Wyro posted in Email Security, Email Encryption, Email Security Best Practices, Two-Factor Authentication, Email Security Trends, Email Best Practices
You may have heard the terms SSL and TLS, but do you know what they are and how they’re different?
This MDaemon Email Security Feature Protect Against Spambots
By Brad Wyro posted in Email Gateway How-To, Email Security, Stop Spam Email
Ever wonder why so much spam exists today? Though spam volumes have decreased from a high of over 90% of global email traffic, it still makes up roughly a third of that traffic, and though the numbers of junk email messages are decreasing, their malware and ransomware payloads are evolving and becoming much more dangerous. Some of the most common types of spam messages include financial scams, phishing attempts, ransomware, and botnet malware. In this article, we focus primarily on botnets.
Here's how to improve slow Microsoft Outlook performance
By Brad Wyro posted in Email Gateway How-To, Email How To, Email Security Best Practices, Two-Factor Authentication, Email Security Trends, Email Best Practices
How to Deal with Spam in SecurityGateway
By Brad Wyro posted in Security Gateway for Email, Stop Spam Email
SecurityGateway is a powerful email spam & malware filter & gateway that can be used to protect any type of mail server. It offers a layered approach to security, with protection features including data leak prevention, attachment filtering, heuristic and Bayesian analysis, zero-hour Outbreak Protection, and much more.
Server-side Encryption, Decryption & Key Management with OpenPGP
By Brad Wyro posted in Email How To, Email Security, Email Encryption, Cybersecurity, Health Care Security
Whether you work in health care, finance, government, or any other field that requires the storage of data, there's always someone out there who would love to gain access to your confidential records. Don't let the bad guys steal your data. Protect it with server-side encryption. Our latest release of MDaemon supports OpenPGP, which allows MDaemon to perform encryption, decryption, and key management tasks. Learn how to enable OpenPGP support in MDaemon, and how to send encrypted mail in our latest video.
As we discussed in an earlier post, messages that users may receive in response to messages they never actually sent (due to their email addressed having been forged in a spam message's return-path) are known as backscatter. In that post, we discussed what backscatter is and explained how to enable Backscatter Protection in MDaemon.
Are You Receiving Replies to Messages you Never Sent?
By Brad Wyro posted in Email Gateway How-To, Email How To, Email Security, Cybersecurity, MDaemon Email Server, Stop Spam Email, Email Server, Email Security Trends
Make it Easier For Your Users to get Login Assistance in MDaemon Webmail
By Brad Wyro posted in Email How To, Email Security Trends
Occasionally, our support staff will receive calls from end users who have forgotten their email password or are having issues logging into WorldClient. Users are then instructed to contact their mail server administrator for assistance. But what if users don't know who to contact for help, and don't know how to even find out who to contact? For some users, trying to track down the appropriate contact for help can lead to wasted time and lost productivity.